The New York City Chapter of the American Orff Schulwerk Association
National conference scholarship
The New York City Chapter of AOSA will award a $300 reimbursement to assist a member in attending the AOSA National Conference in Albuquerque, NM from November 1-4, 2023. This scholarship is available to all NYCCAOSA members who have been a member for at least one year. This application form, completed in its entirety, must be received no later than Saturday, September 23rd, 2023.
The recipient must present proof of registration and a receipt for payment to the conference in order to redeem the award. The NYC Chapter will not pay the fee directly; rather, the Chapter will reimburse the recipient. The recipient may also not receive any additional scholarship from the NYC Chapter during the same year. Please reach out to with any questions.
Click HERE to fill out the Google Form Application.
Past Scholarship Winner: Aaron Ford
I was thrilled to be chosen as this year’s recipient of the AOSA Professional Development Conference scholarship for first time attendees. I’m grateful and proud that our NYCCAOSA chapter so generously supports ongoing teacher development. The conference was held in downtown Nashville, a city steeped in musical talent and history. We had a very respectable contingent of folks from our own chapter and I had the opportunity to deepen my connection with several of them. I also so enjoyed reconnecting with several friends and teachers from different Levels courses. One of the performance highlights was attending the concert of the Fisk Jubilee Singers. If you haven’t heard this group or it’s history it is well worth checking out. My co- teacher Sheri Gottlieb and I also attended a wonderful Recorder Ensemble concert and came away inspired to try new things with our Grade 4 Recorder Ensemble at LREI. The workshops were stimulating and full of the best that we love about Orff, from dramatizing a mini-book version of Moby Dick (yes, accomplished beautifully in less than an hour) to creating movement pieces with hand drums.